It’s been seven months since I had my first plastic surgery. I had a Brachioplasty and Abdominoplasty in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, and let me tell you, it has been quite the ride. So I am here to share it all with you. The good, the bad, and the ugly in a series of blogs to help you along your journey.
Series One: Pros and Cons
- Pro: Round the clock care is cheaper
- Pro: Massages are dirt cheap compared to the states
- Pro: Cleaning and cooking help is a lot cheaper.
- Pro: Comfortability of beds and resources was easier to achieve since the Airbnb I was in was handicapped accessible and had sleeping and bathroom tools that helped my healing.
- Cons: After paying for an apartment to rent, taxis, care, help, and babysitting, I paid a lot more than what I would have paid doing it locally in Florida.
- Cons: Outdated procedures and techniques
- Cons: Risk of infections
- Cons: Aftercare with your doctor cant happen once your back in the states
- Cons: Being away from your friends and family
- Cons: Being away from your comfort zone
- Cons: Language Barrier (If you don’t speak the native language, it can be quite difficult)
- Cons: Lack of solutions
- Cons: Post-care is truly nonexistent, and you are just another surgery on their roster. When they collect their money, they move on.

I can honestly keep going with the cons. I realized that it’s not that much of a price difference to do it here in the states versus out of the country. I can not go back and change the decision I have made, but I can coach the next woman and make sure she knows exactly what she is getting into. Surgery is not for the weak, and being surrounded by loved ones is so important. Not only has this surgery taken a toll on my physical but my mental as well.
If you noticed, my pros were based on how much I can save on a surgery that I should have done more due diligence on. We only have this one life, and when we are having surgery for cosmetic purposes, it’s essential to make sure we go with a doctor specializing in the procedure we are looking to get done.
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