Let me start this by saying it will be the most challenging thing you can do in life this whole self-loving yourself business. But the journey gets better and better by continuing to choose you first for better or for worst.

You know the feeling, nothing seems to go right for you. You go left but wind up making a right turn instead. You keep falling deeper and deeper in this hole you have built for yourself until you hit rock bottom. I have visited that place a few times and I can tell you that’s where the real work begins. There is an enormous amount of resources, products, tools, courses, and more at our fingertips. Check out my Self-Love lab here.
We are undeniably magnetic. Like attracts like. Opposites detract. We communicate thru our actions.
How we love ourselves, models, for others how to treat us.
Act as you love yourself. Eat as you love yourself. Think as you love yourself. Speak as you love yourself. Exercise like you love yourself. Work as you love yourself. Do everything with love.
Be your own valentine. Be the sunshine of your life. It’s the greatest gift you can give to yourself.
It’s the best example you can model for others.
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